1 With regard to elections to the board of the Trust, since there were no new nominations by the due date stated in the recent Newsletter, there is no need for an election to take place this year for board membership, and the re-elected board members will be announced at the forthcoming AGM. For future information, however, attached are two relevant documents – Appendix 1 Rugby Oldham’s Board Membership Policy, and Appendix 2, its Election Rules Policy.

2 The 2022 Annual General Meeting will take place at the Fox and Pine, Oldham, commencing at 8pm, on Thursday September 29th, with the following AGENDA:

  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Minutes of AGM, 2021
  3. Board membership
  4. Financial and membership summary
  5. Accounts 2021
  6. Proposal to replace audit by review of accounts for 2022
  7. Review of Trust’s recent activities

Ian Wilson, Secretary, 16.09.22.

Posted by Dave Naylor